Authorized Distributor

Authorized Distributor

NINGBO KLS ELECTRONIC CO.LTD Authorized Distributor Requirement:

To purchase the $ 300,000/ year KLS's product,to apply to be joined KLS authorized distributors.

KLS has authorized dealers in more than 30 countries and regions around the world. If you want to be an authorized dealer of KLS, please contact KLS. This means KLS customers can rest assured that the product they order is authentic.

KLS to the support of the distributors:

• KLS’s Product Catalog, Display samples, Web datasheets, and more.
• Broadest Overall Product Selection
• Parts in Stock Available for Immediate Delivery
• Design Support Content on Website

• Data and Product Selection Support
• Consistent, On-time Delivery
• Competitive Pricing

NINGBO KLS ELECTRONIC CO.LTD Authorized Distributor Requirement:

To purchase the $ 300,000/ year KLS's product,to apply to be joined KLS authorized distributors.

KLS has authorized dealers in more than 30 countries and regions around the world. If you want to be an authorized dealer of KLS, please contact KLS. This means KLS customers can rest assured that the product they order is authentic.

KLS to the support of the distributors:

• KLS’s Product Catalog, Display samples, Web datasheets, and more.
• Broadest Overall Product Selection
• Parts in Stock Available for Immediate Delivery
• Design Support Content on Website

• Data and Product Selection Support
• Consistent, On-time Delivery
• Competitive Pricing